Around the World Adventure–Flight Day 4

Note:  This is a fictional flying adventure using Microsoft Flight Simulator.  Any similarities to real world events, people and places is strictly for the purpose of the story.  While a trip like this might not be possible (or even a good idea) due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, I’m omitting this from this adventure.  At this time in all our lives, we need a little break from reality from time to time. 

Flight Day 4

We spent a few days exploring the Veracruz area including some much needed “beach” time.  I must admit the mid to upper 70’s temps in January compared to the snow and cold of Denver has been a nice break.  Of course the further we travel south on this portion of our journey will continue to be warm, perhaps even hot since we’ll be entering summer once we cross the equator. 

Over the next several weeks, our general direction of flight will be generally south as we fly along Central America into South America.  We’ll fly along the western side of South America exploring Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.  Our routing will take me to places which I haven’t flown to in many years. 

I’ve been using the ProjectFly app to track my flights for many years.  There is a Passport feature which tracks the countries you visit.  At present I’ve only visited 35% of the world’s countries and this Around the World Adventure is to help me add to this.  Will I reach 100% before this adventure is complete?  Well…that is certainly my goal and one of the reasons we’re headed to the southern tip of South America as I do plan (weather permitting) to fly from the southern tip of Argentina (SAWH) to Teniente R. Marsh airport in Antarctica.  This would be a 530nmi flight over open ocean.  But it’s about the only chance I will get to fly to this part of the world.


leg 4


It was hard to pry ourselves away from the little beach side cabana.  But as the weather is changing, it’s time for us to move along. 

Our next flight will take us from Mexico down to El Salvador by way of Tapachula. It’s a longer flight leg, but as I had mentioned in a previous update, we agreed after a few days of R&R on the beach that we would make it up with a few longer flight legs.


Refueling in the rain.  This is one of those moments where I wished I had done this when we landed a few days ago in the sunshine.


Lining up on runway 01


Climbing out


Making our turn to head direct to MMTP.


Smooth air above the clouds.


Making our turn over Tapachula (MMTP).


On the ground and another flight day is complete.  We will stay here for a day and then depart for Tocumen Airport in Panama City, Panama.  Thanks for reading.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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