Another Real World Update – Texas Trip Success

My wife and I just recently returned from our trip to Texas to visit family and to hunt for a house.  During our week long stay, we toured nine different houses with our realtor and found our new dream home.  Interestingly, the house we purchased was the first house we toured.  We’re currently in the process of having inspections done and pending no major issues, we will close on the property in mid October.

We’re already back in Denver and will be working on getting our house here ready to go on the market.  We hope to list it towards the end of this month (Sept) and believe it will sell quickly as others of the similar size in our neighborhood have sold within the first 10 days or so.  While we’ve already managed to pack a considerable amount of our stuff, we still have a lot more packing to do and of course we need to arrange for the moving company.

Our target time to arrive in Texas and move into the new house is anytime after mid October to mid November.  Everything from here on out really depends on the sell of our home in Denver.  But we’re hoping to be in Texas and in the new house before Thanksgiving.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!

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