Adventure Alaska – KDEN – KSEA -PANC

I recently found a Boeing 737-900 in Alaska Airlines livery and just couldn’t wait to take it for a spin. I found the aircraft on the Project Open Sky site. It is designed for FS9, but a few modifications and she flies like a champ in FSX. The guys at POSKY do awesome work.  I remember having a few POSKY planes back when in 2001/02, but had forgotten about their website and the level of work they put into a freeware plane.  In addition to the B739, I also found an awesome freeware B727 at The B727 is perhaps my favorite airliner to fly. Yes I love the triple seven and the 747 is also a joy to fly. But I just have a love for the 727 and have for many years. But this story is not about that, so back on track.

It was a beautiful day in the Mile High City of Denver, Colorado this morning. The wind was calm and out of the South. ATC directed me to runway 16L. My course would take us through northwest Colorado into Wyoming, across the panhandle of Idaho and into Washington State. This would be a connecting and refueling stop in KSEA.

She floats right off the runway.

Denver International Airport (DIA) A one of a kind airport.

The flight across the Rockies and beyond toward the Pacific Northwest was uneventful. We knew we were getting close at the sight of Mt. Ranier just off in the distance.

Beautiful Mt. Ranier in the distance

The panel was one of the tweaks necessary to get this aircraft to work in FSX.  I found the panel over at Flightsim (they have just about everything in their download section).  The panel was identified as working with any POSKY 737.  The only short fall with this panel is part of the MCP is cut off.  But this is not an issue as I have my GoFlight GF-MCP hardware module.  You can also pull up a full view of the MCP should you need it.

Another view of Mt. Ranier

I’ve only been to Seattle in real life twice and both times it was raining. We lucked out today.

Seattle just in the distance and lined up with runway 34L at KSEA

Just seconds from touchdown.

I would take a 5 hour break and fly the second leg from KSEA up to PANC, as I needed to get some work done around the house. I’m glad I did as it made for some interesting weather on approach into Anchorage.

The weather in Seattle some 5 hours after arriving was virtually the same. ATC directed us to depart 16R. Our flying time was scheduled to be 3 hours and 15 minutes. I will apologize as I hadn’t realized I didn’t have Fraps running for a portion of the trip to PANC. But once we got closer to Anchorage the weather began to settle in. Visibility was poor on approach and an ILS landing on runway 6R was certainly called for.

Low fog layer keeping PANC nearly invisible

ILS Runway 6R, Clear for Landing

Safely on the ground at PANC.

I plan to depart PANC in the next day or two for a run back down to KSEA. From KSEA I have a bit of a surprise for myself which involves a brand spanking new Boeing 747-8F that I plan to pickup and deliver somewhere. Would anyone care for a pint and some fish and chips, Mate?  :-)  This is the new POSKY Boeing 747-800 Freighter model they just released.  Man…what a stunning piece of machinery and I’ll bring you my experiences with her very soon.

Until next time,


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