Audio For VATSIM Launch News

The wait is almost over…

For well over a year, we’ve been hearing the news about the new Audio for VATSIM project.  We’ve all watched and listened to videos covering this brand new audio system which promised to replace the very much outdated audio system currently in use.  Some of us have also been granted early access to experience it for ourselves.  I participated in one such beta test back in early June and couldn’t believe my ears.  You can read about my experience here.

14 October 2019

In less than two weeks, the wait WILL be over and the new Audio For VATSIM will be available to everyone.  You can watch this short video for more information and visit this webpage for full details on the planned launch.  In addition, this page also has some helpful information

After I experienced the new Audio For VATSIM first hand, I struggled to enjoy the old VATSIM audio.  While the last two months have been hectic and rarely left anytime for my hobbies, 14 October can’t come soon enough as I’m truly looking forward to spending some time flying on VATSIM and enjoying both the sights and SOUNDS. 

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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