
What does 940551169900056091xxxx mean?  No, it’s not an international telephone number.  No, it’s not the winning lottery numbers (close) and no, it’s not my IQ.  That number is the United States Parcel Service Priority Mail tracking number for my Eaton Fuller style USB shift knob which I backed in the CSIO Kickstarter campaign last month.  The reason why this number is close to being a winning lottery number is the fact that the package is due to arrive at my residence tomorrow (Saturday, 21 May).  Woohoo….


I received the shipping notice and the CSIO folks posted the above picture on Twitter with the tweet reading “Last of the @Kickstarter s going out right now!”  Yep, one of those USPS Priority Mail packages will find its way to my home in Denver on Saturday (hopefully).

I’ve see a few of the famous (and some not so famous) YouTube folks demo and showcase their shifter knob in recent days.  From what I’ve seen, the shifter will most certainly live up to my expectation.  You can expect a full review of the shifter sometime next week right here on GrizzlyBearSims Planes, Trains and Automobiles (and Farming Too!) Realism through Simulation blog

Until next time…

If you can’t find it, grind it! 


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