PMDG 787 Dreamliner Rumors

About two months ago, there was a Community Q&A livestream between a YouTube Content Creator named FilbertFlies and PMDG’s Robert Randazzo.  During this 3 hour, 32 minute and 48 second event a question was asked by FilbertFlies regarding whether or not PMDG would be interested in developing a Boeing 787?  The response from Robert is somewhat vague, but his response nonetheless has lead some to believe that PMDG and QualityWings could be planning to work together to finally bring the much loved Dreamliner into MSFS.  But is this true?  Is this really what Robert Randazzo said?

Let’s break down the conversation which took place at the 2:17:00 mark of the video (see video below).

FilbertFlies:  Might you make a 787?

Robert Randazzo:  (long pause), Hmmmm, Would I like to?  Yea…Sure…Hmmm…So we’re having some conversations about that with someone else.

FilbertFlies:  Woooo, that’s interesting!

Robert Randazzo:  Yea, hmmmm, yea it is.  The people we’re having that conversation with actually make 787’s.  So it’s an interesting conversation.  But yea, sure….why not.

Of course, Robert didn’t mention QualityWings  by name, only that “The people we’re having that conversation with actually make 787’s”.  While this could be QualityWings, it could also be the team behind the HeavyDivision mod as they are developing a stand alone 787.  But….it could also mean that PMDG is talking with Boeing.  After all, PMDG has a longstanding relationship with Boeing and all of the PMDG add-ons are officially licensed Boeing products.

In my opinion, everyone that has jumped to the conclusion that somehow, someway PMDG and QualityWings will join forces to bring the 787 Dreamliner to MSFS is putting the cart way ahead of the horse.

But don’t get me wrong….I understand why a PMDG/QW partnership makes sense.  After all, the team at QW has all but gone dark with any new news regarding their plan to bring the 787 into MSFS.  While we’ve known for some time that QW is working on it, we haven’t heard from them in a really long time.  The last comment I’ve found on the QW forums was back in March 2022 where they mentioned “the Q2 2021 estimate for the 787 was way off.  We’ve decided that for now being quiet is better than giving wildly inaccurate deliver estimates”. While I can appreciate QualityWing’s does not want to set a release date, I certainly believe they could and should provide some news on at least a quarterly basis just to let us know things are progressing.  But I suppose at the end of the day, QW can run their company as they please.

The bottom line is, we just simply don’t know precisely what Robert meant with his comment.  For now, I’m optimistically hopeful we’ll see the PMDG Boeing 777 release sometime this year and I’m sure a study-level, high fidelity Dreamliner will eventually make its way into MSFS at some point in time.  Until then….we just have to wait and see.



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