An issue solved

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, I packed away my flight sim computer and other gear (yoke, pedals, GoFlight hardware modules) in early January 2012.  Prior to this timeframe, I hadn’t spent much time flying since July/August 2011.  However, at this time (and even in January 2012) my FSX machine ran just fine. 

Since my FXS machine had been packed away between January and September of this year, I had a number of Microsoft updates to apply to the machine, along with updates to my antivirus programs.  Also, specific to FSX I had several updates to apply for various scenery and other add-ons. 

From almost minute one, FSX was unstable and I experienced many CTD’s or crash to desktop issues.  Many of these were experienced when clicking menus within FSX.  But FSX would also crash when starting up as well as when going to an airport (FSX default or otherwise) via the menu.  The odd part of this was I new I had applied the fix to resolve CTD’s when clicking menus just after I built the new machine two years ago.  Of course I’m talking about the uiautomationcore.dll fix.  This impacts users running FSX on Windows 7 64 bit machines.  If you want more information on this fix, please read this.

Anyway, I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out what was wrong.  I was very close to just biting the bullet and performing a full system rebuild on my machine.  Then on one of my Africa flights I experienced a CTD and decided to do a little more research on the specific error.  The error pointed to g3d.dll.  I used Google to search and found a blog post on the Avsim Forums which pointed to the fault being with FSUIPC.  I hadn’t thought about checking to see if an update to FSUIPC was available since my long hiatus. 

I applied the most recent version of FSUIPC and ran some tests.  Since applying the update, I’ve spent another 4-6 hours on the machine flying, clicking menus and just about anything else I can think of.  The machine is stable and I’ve experienced no CTD’s. 

I hope this information might help someone else. 

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!



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