Hello States v6

I’m slowly in the process of starting up a new map adventure using the much talked about States v6 map.  States v6 is only available from American Eagles Modding and you must be a member (it is free to join) in order to download the map.  I’m not about to give up on Ringwoods Farm, but as I’ve been farming Ringwoods for the past month or so and before that had been farming the default Westbridge Hills (Ringwoods is based on Westbridge but mucho better), I felt I needed a change.  So I have been looking at map alternatives and set about defining a few requirements.

First, while I have nothing against maps based in the UK, Europe etc. I really wanted to stick with a USA based map.  Second, while I truly love the challenge of all the fences, gates and trees in Ringwoods…I also wanted to find a map with less fencing and gates.  Third, I’m really not into the logging/forestry aspect of the game…so my map selection could certainly exclude this and I would be OK.  Finally, after farming on Ringwoods and getting spoiled to some of the “bells and whistles” such as conveyors and the mixing station mod, I was looking for a map where these types of features were already built in.  I also wanted the ability to raise pigs, beef and chickens for market and wanted the variety of the additional fruit types (cotton, oats, sunflower, soybeans and sorghum).  I had heard about States a few weeks ago and with the recent release of version 6, I decided to give it a try.

Some fine print before I proceed.  I’ve been watching a few YouTube videos regarding the soil mod.  I also printed off all the documentation I could find on this mod.  I’ll be honest and say upfront that I’m perhaps more confused after reading it than I was before hand.  I’ve decided to leave out the soil mod (for now) and just spend some time learning the new map and farming at my pace without the needed worry about pH levels and those dreaded weeds.  But understand, I said the same thing about the PMDG aircraft a few years ago.  I said they were too complex to learn etc.  Both the PMDG 737, 777 and 747 are some of my favorite aircraft and I rarely fly anything other than these aircraft.  So having said that, I will eventually experiment with the soil mod and I’ll learn it and when I do, I’ll share it all here in this blog.  But for now, I’ve left the soil mod out of States v6.

The States v6 map is a large map.  It features wide open spaces and really is designed for BIG equipment and lots of it.  It includes all the features I had desired in a new map and even some new features to try out.  From the start you own four fields (1, 5, 6 and 9).  Fields 6 and 9 are planted with wheat and soybean.  The map is also pre-populated with 250 dairy cows and 100 sheep.

As I just stated, States v6 is HUGE.  You start off with a lot of equipment including four New Holland Combines (CR10.90) with the BIG 45’ headers.  You also get three New Holland T8.435’s (Trax models) along with one NH T9.565 and the massive Case Quadtrac 620 (which I sold).   You also get mowers, tippers, loading wagons, wheel loader, fertilizer spreaders, sprayers, baler…and more.  I ended up selling the mowers, baler and a few other pieces of equipment so I could afford the Krone Big M500 mower mod from OEB Modding.  With three large fields pre-planted in grass, I wanted something with a wide working width and the Big M500 will row the grass.  This will save both time and effort.

On day 1, I used Courseplay to get the Krone Big M500 cutting grass.  I split the initial grass harvest between getting the cows and sheep fed and moved about 200,000 liters to the silage bunker just next to the cows.  I already compacted and have it fermenting.  The rest of the grass will be moved to the BGA.  Also, I put one of the four combines to work in field 6 harvesting wheat and moving the straw to storage.  Just as soon as the grass has fermented into silage, I’ll have all I need to mix up the first batch of TMR.  The way I figure, as I already have 250 dairy cows I need to get them producing at 110% ASAP to take advantage of increased milk production as well as manure and slurry.  While I don’t plan to use either as fertilizer, both can be sold to help increase my available cash.

I’m also seriously thinking about selling two of the four combines and headers.  It may be some time before I can actually get all four combines working with enough tractors/tippers to support them.  I really need to generate enough cash to purchase the Krone BigX and get a field of corn planted to cut as chaff to send to the BGA.  Selling silage at the BGA is a quick way of generating a lot of income in a relatively short period of time.  You can read my blog article titled Getting Rich Quick on Ringwoods Farm which very much applies to States v6 as well.  I may also try out theRental Mod as well for a few pieces of equipment until I can get enough available cash.  We’ll see how it goes…

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!



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